If need be, in respect of which actors find themselves working together, virtually all the scenes are open to changes of sex and age.
If need be, in respect of which actors find themselves working together, virtually all the scenes are open to changes of sex and age.
One 40ish, the other older
Each 20s
Mother 40ish, daughter a late-teen
Both 40s
She 20s, he 50s
Both 30s
She 30s, he 40s
Both 30s
Both 20s
She 20s, he 40s
She 30s, he 50s
Both 20s
She 40ish, he 50s
Both early 30s
Both 40s
Both 30s
She 20s, he 40s
A highly recommended source of scenes: www.bhplayhouse.com/Acting-Scenes-Database